Town Council Meeting
6 Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 10th day of June at 7:00pm at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated, or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:
Welcome Mayor Scott Chesnut
Administrative Business
Ⅰ Welcome/ opening remarks
Ⅱ Roll Call
Ⅲ Pledge of Allegiance
Ⅳ Approval of Minutes May 10, 2021 Town Council Meeting and May 20, 2021 Town Council work meeting
Mayor Business
Ⅰ Approval for Mayor Chesnut and Town Clerk Mel Pace for a Town Credit Card
Ⅱ Rental House Update
Ⅲ Approval Torrey Trading Post Variance Request
Financial Report Colleen Dudleston
Ⅰ Approve and Pay Bills
Ⅱ Open and Close of 2020 budget
Ⅲ Approval of 2021 budget
Maintenance Report Dustin Oyler
Agenda Requests
Ⅰ Pearl Thorndal-Stewart
Bridget Fabel Chunky Trout Outfitters, RV Park and Bunkhouse
Ⅱ Travis VanOrden
Final Approval of Conditional Use Permit and Building Permit for 450 W. Main Hallows & VanOrden LLC property
Licenses, Water Connections & Signs
Ⅰ Water Connection Jay Williams and Byron Williams
Council Reports
Ⅰ Pat Kearney: Cemetery, Trees & Office
Ⅱ Doug Robinson: Water
Ⅲ Jordan Pace: Water, Roads & P&Z Report
Planning and Zoning Committee Members
Ⅳ Pearl-THorndal Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office and Town Events
Ⅴ Mickey Wright: IT Updates & P&Z
Citizen Concerns
Dated this 8th day of June. This notice was posted at the Torrey Town Hall, Chuckwagon bulletin board, Post Office, Torrey Town Website, Utah Public Notice Website and delivered or emailed to each member of the Torrey Town Council. A closed session may be held pursuant to UCA 52-4-4. Backpacks, purses, drinks or containers are not allowed at the meeting. The meeting will be held in person and via Zoom.
Topic: Town Council Meeting
Time: Jun 10, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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