September 29, 2022 – Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes

September 29th, 2022, 7:00pm

Torrey Town Pavilion & Zoom

75 East 100 North, Torrey UT, 84775

  1. Roll Call
Jeri Austin A   Steve Babbitt P  Janet Hansen E Richard Jensen P   Dave Love P  Carolyn Moosman PCarrie Torrey P  Jordan Pace (TC) a  _______none____-(IT)                      Public/Zoom: ________________ _________Diane & Bill Barrett   ___
  • Pledge 
  • Call for Conflicts of Interest none
  • Approve Minutes from the August Meeting motion to approve the August minutes made by Richard, seconded by Steve, all were in favor.
  • Barrett Home BP brief discussion was had about location and all plans meet P&Z height, setbacks, lumens etc… Motion to approve BP made by Steve and seconded by Richard, all were in favor.
  • Entrada over counter BP Just a heads up on what Dave did with Entrada’s bathroom remodel BP- since it was in the existing house he sent it to Eric with a basic over the counter approval.  
  • Survey spreadsheet Discussion: Carolyn, Janet & Dave worked together to categorize the multiple-choice answers in a spreadsheet. Then a group made up of Carolyn, Janet, Steve, Dave & Sandra Dale categorized summarized essay question answers. With x number of people commented on water issues, x # on ordinances, x # clean up lots, x # No Growth! -No Moab! Comments. This was a heavy, daunting task!! Summary is majority is thinking alike, only a few cultural differences. Major concerns on our water! This led to a discussion on our water district issues -intown users tax rev goes to Town -out of town users tax rev goes to county. 

Annexation to get that $ would solve a lot of Town’s issues however it creates a huge issue for county. How do we come together? State code says we cannot use water to stop growth, but can we use it to shape our ordinances and GP? -We don’t know… P&Z plan is to share survey results with public and Town Council. A joint Town Council and P&Z meeting is in the works. 

  • Other Business Redo BP Check List, Lighting Table, Sign App checklist, the new one Dave & Carrie created was lost so the old one is being used again. 
  • Comments from Public Bill Barrett shared idea on getting help from University to mock up what it might look like if Town did the paperless annexation. What the cause effect might be- pro vs. con He mentioned a woman at the University who works on advising gateway

Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes

September 29th, 2022, 7:00pm

Torrey Town Pavilion & Zoom

75 East 100 North, Torrey UT, 84775

communities. How to manage growth with scale, density, etc.. She worked with Springdale maybe she could assist Torrey P&Z and TC. Bill sent her contact info to Mickey and will send it to Dave &/or P&Z. 

  1. Next Month’s meeting October 27th, 2022, at 7:00 pm. Motion to Adjourn Motion made by Carrie seconded by Carolyn, all in favor  

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