September 14, 2023 – Torrey Town Council Minutes (approved)

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Torrey Utah

PO Box 750027

Torrey, UT 84775


Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council held the regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 14th day of September 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Torrey Town Office located at 75 E 100 N.  The agenda was as follows:

Welcome Mayor Mickey Wright

Administrative Business

            Welcome/ Opening Remarks

Roll Call, Present: Dave Love, Jordan Pace, Pat Kearney, Karen Mayne, Mayor Mickey Wright, Doug Robinson, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Colleen Dudleston, Dustin Oyler

            Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Doug Robinson

Review & Approve Minutes of the August 10, 2023, Town Council Meeting .

Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the minutes from August 10, 2023 as corrected. Doug seconded the motion to approve and all council members voted in favor.

Review & Approve Minutes of the August 08, 2023, Town Council Work Meeting

Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 8, 2023. Doug Robinson seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.

Agenda Revisions: Derek and Andrea Pett had submitted an agenda request and it was overlooked.  It was agreed to add this to the agenda.

Conflict of Interest: None

Agenda Requests/Discussion

            Paula Pace, Presentation of flag display area            .

A committee has been formed and Paula made a presentation in their behalf. A permanent flag display was proposed for placement at the Big Apple. The committee asks to have 20 smaller flags, one larger flag in the middle and also display the Armed Forces flags and MIA/POW flag. Torrey will advise the town residents that donations for the display will be accepted. Protocol for the display of the flags will be learned.  

The committee would like it to be ready to display on Veterans’ Day. This will be a permanent place for flag display. Pat Kearney made a motion to accept the proposal, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.  

Vanetta’s concerns over maintenance of the Town’s American flags were discussed.

Judy Basks concern over Russian Thistle was discussed. 

Dawn House, spoke to the circumstances of a water leak which occurred on her property. When she and her husband restored the Morrell cabin they had hired someone to install a drip system for the existing trees. That is where the leak occurred. Jordan Pace made a motion to forgive the water overage. Doug seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Matt Kay, submitted an application for a Torrey water connection and building permit. Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the water connection on the condition that the building permit is approved. Jordan seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Derek and Andria Pett – Are requesting a parcel split of their property. Mayor Wright requested that they have a survey of the property conducted and bring the survey plat to the Town Council. Recommendation was also made that the Pett’s check CCRs to make certain it is allowed. After reviewing the survey the Town Council can sign off and the Wayne County court recorder will be informed.

Mayor Business

Review Mayor’s September Report, a copy is included in these minutes.

The new water tank is in the process of forming the roof. A brief discussion followed.

UDOT has requested placement changes to the new trees on Main Street. The town is waiting for clarification.

A 1.9-million-dollar grant request has been submitted to replace the four inch line on Main St and to extend the Highway 24 eight inch line, and other improvements. It will be November before we hear about the grants.

A new town hall grant was discussed and the process for bidding on the sale of the existing building was discussed. Ensign Engineering is working on the building plans for the new town hall.

Using existing plans from the 2012 Walking Trails Study, Mayor Wright is working on a new grant for walking and biking trails with to UDOT.

Mayor Wright informed the council that he has accepted an appointment representing the Utah towns having under 1,000 in population in the Utah League of Cities and Towns board of directors. The appointment is for two years.

Technology: At the last Commissioner/Mayor meeting the state announced that a cybersecurity center has been established as a resource for towns. The state is in the process of creating a security compliance plan.

Town Business

Clerk Report: Karen Mayne

GRAMA. – None

Building permits: First there is a building permit request for Matt Kay’s home, secondly is Larrey Harper submitting a permit request to add electricity to his storage sheds.

Notary: The process is underway. Now we are waiting for the background check to be completed. Karen passed out the Newsletter and the pavilion schedule. The updated ordinance book is at the top of the to do list.

Financial Report: Colleen Dudleston

The council reviewed the August 2023 Financial report and a discussion followed. Credit card expenses were reported and reviewed by the council.

Council members discussed ExpressPay and the water billing process.  In addition they discussed payments, invoices, and outstanding bills. Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made a motion to accept the August financial report and pay the bills. Pat Kearney seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.

  Council Reports

Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office.

Pat Kearney is getting a deed for the cemetery property which was deeded by Mr. Cesar Procunier which is 15 feet x 100 feet. She will work with Colleen Allen in the County.

Tree trimming is being planned. Pat has included Garkane in the discussion addressing safety issues. Jordan made a recommendation as to the permit process and liability in working with UDOT.

Doug Robinson: Water

The new water tank is progressing well. H&R is working on the roof. The deadline is October 15th.

Jordan Pace:. Water, Roads

The water line up to Hells Hole has received several internet complaints. The Forest Service took responsibility and will deal with it. We may want to set up trail cameras to protect our water system. Mayor Wright will meet with the Forest Service. Pat Kearney made a motion to work with the forest service to address the installation of cameras. Doug Robinson seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events.

Pearl is still working on the grant funded plan for the playground equipment.

Trunk or treat will be at the LDS chapel on October 31 at 5:30PM. All are invited.

Maintenance Report: Dustin Oyler

The water tank completion date is next year so there is a buffer on the time line for this year. Testing will take 30 days. The tank will likely be in service in the spring.

Flooding on Sand Creek was addressed this month.

Maintenance for garage doors on the shop. The bid to repair, replace and install new garage door openers is $2,271 for both openers. To do one garage opener and other utilize a chain bid is $1,405.  It was decided to get openers for both doors and not have any chains for opening. Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the bid for the garage doors repair and maintenance. Jordan Pace seconded and all Town Council voted in favor.

Dustin is still trying to get bids for the Pavilion roof and electrical. Local contractors are too busy. Dustin will look for other options. The council discussed putting an advertisement in the Richfield Reaper and Nephi paper to broaden the scope of bids.

P&Z Report – Dave Love –

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the general plan. They received written and spoken input on the plan. With the public input they created revision #7 and it is now available.

Pat Kearney asked about the conflict which exists in town ordinance #9 in regard to the building permit process. This is still being reviewed.

Old Business:

A Discussion was held regarding the abuse of the donation box in front of the post office. Should we keep it or remove it? Discussion included maintenance and whether the Town should be responsible. Karen will place a sign up in the post office asking for volunteers to maintain the box.

Public Comment: None

Adjourn: Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Jordan Pace seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:18PM