October 3, 2024 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Torrey Utah

PO Box 750027

Torrey, UT 84775


Approved Minutes

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council held the work meeting scheduled by the mayor under 1-5-1-B of the Torrey Town ordinances.  The meeting was held on Thursday the 3th day of October 2024 at 5:45 pm at the Torrey Town Office, Bay 1 located at 75 E 100 N. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda was as follows:

Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright

Administrative Business

                Welcome/ Opening Remarks 5:47 pm

Roll Call:

Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace, Karen Mayne, Mayor Wright, Pearl Thorndal-Steward, Richard Braaten, Carrie Torrey

Review and discuss the Subdivision Ordinance

Pat Kearney said the Subdivision Ordinance document is wonderful, but the process feels burdensome. It is a complex process with different tiers of requirements.   

Definition: Our code as understood by Mayor Wright, does not apply to one person building on one lot. A discussion continued about dividing and splitting a piece of property. Discussion included a revision for exemptions for family property

Simple lot subdivision

Referenced Loa ordinance and State code 10-9a-605-1, a simple-lot subdivision includes 4 or less lots in one calendar year.

The simple-lot subdivision may be the answer to the exceptions for family land divides and private roads. After discussion the council will explore this further. 

Discussion began regarding the Torrey Water Master Plan. Torrey Water must have a plan for growth. A water attorney will be brought into the discussion.

Pat Kearney- Reviewing page 1 under Purpose. Purpose #2 defines residences and multiple residences. Town Homes are specified as well as duplex, triplex and four plex are Conditional use defined in ‘section 10-5-7. Town homes and condominiums are not compliant with the Town Ordinance. Town homes must be added to the ordinance.

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart looking at Section 14, purpose. Pearl Thorndal-Stewart question the thoroughness of the green space requirement.  

Section 14 defines the requirements for and the amount of park space is outlined.

Ordinance 10-5-7 Set standard for conditional use. For everyone site plan size etc. includes natural considerations for the site. Conditional Use situations are handled by the Town Council.

Pat Kearney said we must establish the “Appeal Authority”; discussion continued.

Jordan Pace began a discussion about road width requirements for ingress egress.

Mayor Wright recommended  the council view the recorded Land use webinars on the website luau,Utah.gov.

The council discussed a faster process for water applications to be approved. Discussion included water applications being approved over the counter – This procedure was not approved by the council.[MW1] 

The council must approve the water connections. Mayor Wright explained that 3 new springs will be measurable in Summer 2025. Will take a few years to know the full expectation

Water cannot be used to limit growth. Mayor Wright will look for the state reference.

Carrie Torrey will take back the council recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission: define Green space, Condominiums and townhomes with special conditions, and Simple lot subdivision.

Other needs to be addressed.

  • A  Subdivision Review Board need to be appointed.
  • A Land Use Appeals Authority needs to be appointed.
  • Determine a fee and add to the fee schedule

The Town Council thanks the Planning and Zoning Commission and Brock Jackson for all their hard work in developing the Subdivision Ordinances.

Jordan Pace made a motion to adjourn the meeting   Pearl Thorndal-Stewart seconded the motion and all Council members approved.

 [MW1]Correct, it was not approved by the council