October 3, 2023- Torrey Town Council Work Meeting Agenda

Download the Agenda PDF using the link below.

Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold a Town Council Work Meeting on:

October 23, 2023 at 6:30 pm

at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as foll


Torrey Town Council Work Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 10/3/23 6:30 PM -10/3/23 7:30 PM


        Torrey Utah

PO Box 750027

Torrey, UT 84775


Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Torrey Town Council will hold a work meeting on Tuesday the 3th day of October, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Torrey Town Office located at 75 E 100 N. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:

Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright

Administrative Business:

                Welcome/ Opening Remarks

                Roll Call

                Motion to go into closed session to discuss legal issue


Torrey Town Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Meeting ID: 814 3459 5829

Passcode: 549748

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keCMkIbYLo

Zoom Meeting Invite
