October 10, 2024 – Torrey Town Council Minutes
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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Approved Minutes
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the Regular Town Council Meeting. The meeting will be held on Thursday the 10th day of October 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Torrey Town Office, Bay 1 located at 75 E 100 N. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:
Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright
Administrative Business
Welcome/ Opening Remarks
Roll Call: Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace, Karen Mayne, Mayor Wright, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Richard Braaten, Carrie Torrey, Dustin Oyler, Colleen Dudleston, Dave Love
Excused. None
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Mayor Wright
Review & Approve Minutes of September 12, 2024, Regular Town Council meeting.
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made a motion to approve the minutes. Pat Kearney seconded the motion, and all town council members voted to approve.
Review & Approve Minutes of September 19, 2024, Town Council, Work Meeting.
Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the minutes. Jordan Pace seconded the motion, and all town council members voted to approve.
Agenda Requests/Discussion:
Water Application, Ted Hillman, 246 N 250 W
Colleen Dudleston, speaking for Ted Hillman, made the request to approve a new water connection for his home to be built. Jordan Pace made a motion to approve the water connection. Pat Kearney seconded the motion, and all town council members voted to approve.
Discussion of Code Enforcement, Interlocal Agreement:
Sheriff Gully and County Attorney Michael Winn
County Attorney Michael Winn informed the council that Sheriff Gully was unable to attend the . meeting. Mr. Winn stated that the purpose of their visit was to discuss the most efficient way for Wayne County to help enforce criminal ordinances in Torrey. Mayor Wright explained that Torrey would like to create an interlocal agreement with the Sherriff office. Dustin Oyler found an old invoice showing when Torrey had paid the sheriff’s office in the past.
Mr. Winn reminded the Town Council that the Sherriff would only act on violations of state code including A and B misdemeanors up to and including Felony crimes. The scope of the agreement will be discussed with the sheriff. Sheriff Gully wants to know what type of crimes Torrey is experiencing. Mr. Winn explained that the town would need to employ the services of a public defender. A resource to review will be indigent services.
Mr. Winn said The Sherriff wants to know what Torrey would like the sheriff to do. Their office can enforce criminal violations but not Torrey ordinances. The sheriff’s office is already enforcing the State code. Sheriff Gulley would like the council to see where town ordinances and criminal code overlap.
Colleen Dudleston asked what it would mean for us financially. That is to be determined by further discussion. Most likely we would want to have a fee established per call.
Nancy Roth attending vis Zoom asked who was the Animal Control Officer? Mr. Winn suggested she call the Sherriffs office. Crimes against animals may be enforced according to the state code.
Mayor’s Business:
Review Mayor’s Report attached to the agenda.
The Region Six mini summit was attended by Colleen and Mayor Wright. Mayor Wright learned that Torrey could charge a dividend for accessing the Torrey right of way for water users.
Colleen remarked that Torrey town departments can roll over their excess budget each year to be placed into a department Capitol Projects account. Each department would have their own capitol project fund. This is an incentive to save money.
CDBG Workshop by Mayor Wright. This is a required workshop if Torrey applies for a grant. Torrey Will schedule first a public hearing that is for citizens to state their views about what is needed in Torrey
Land Use subjects are coming up in taped video meetings of the Utah League of Cities. Pat Kearney asked how to access the link for the video meetings.
Sue Fritzke has volunteered to serve on the Region Three Utah Outdoor Recreation Board.
The Post Office is asking for more post office boxes to be purchased by Torrey. Mayor Wright will talk to the Bicknell Postmaster to follow through.
Mayor Bruno of Springdale and Mayor Wright have discussed legislation concerning Rural Post Office mail rights. Included in this discussion was the association of contracting privately-owned Post-Office buildings.
Dustin has received the Dark Sky signs and hardware. He will install the signs.
The walking path, bid was received without the cost of installation included. Local installers will be contacted. The council discussed placing of the path on Center St. The usage of the walking path by ATVs will be a challenge.
The FEMA BRIC grant was extended. Mayor Wright has completed the Notice of Interest. Torrey’s application is predicated upon completion of the technical assistance grant
Rural community opportunity grant is being prepared by Mayor Wright. Richard Braaten is getting bids for replacing Sand Creek Road with funds from this grant.
Karen Mayne is working on a property inventory list.
Sue Friske has evaluated two building permit technical processes. She has more to consider.
Town Business:
Discuss Subdivision Ordinance Next Steps”
CDBG Grant – Schedule first public Hearing – A suggestion was made to hold the first hearing 6:00 November 14. Prior to the Town Council at 6:30PM
Jordan Made a motion to hold the Public Hearing on November 14 at 6:00 PM and Pearl seconded the motion. All council members approved the motion.
Planning and Zoning Commission: 2 openings in the commission need to be filled. There are previous applicants to contact. Carrie Torrey’s term ends in February. She may ask to be replaced.
The council would like to appoint the two new Planning and Zoning members in the November Town Council.
Utah Correctional Industries, Scanning Process services to review.
Clerk Report: Karen Mayne
Advertise two new openings: an advertisement will be sent to the Insider for two openings in the Planning and Zoning commission.
Building Permits: Nothing new to report.
Utah Land Use Regulations Book have arrived for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Carrie Torrey will pick them up for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Winter Newsletter ( Winter water ) Will include information on the water ordinance regarding no digging to install water meters beginning November.
Financial Report Colleen Dudleston; The September 2024 financial report
The council members reviewed the budget report for September. Colleen discussed the grants that have finalized.
Jordan Pace made a motion to accept the financial report and pay the bills. Pearl Thorndal-Stewart seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor of the motion.
Colleen will create a report on the impact fees.
Council Reports:
Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office
Pat expressed her concern about needing to report on Old business. As an example; Colleen volunteered to work on Monday. No action has been taken.
Karen needs to follow through with the downed tree on 100 East.
Colleen asked about the STR license allocation. The council needs to explore ways to allocate the license now and in the future. Mayor Wright will research how other communities have selected licensees. Pat reminded the council that the new procedure chosen necessitates the Ordinance be amended.
The need to schedule a council work meeting was discussed. Agenda items would include: the Short Term Rental license, Subdivision Ordinance, Planning and Zoning Commission replacements and other old business. The date of October the 23, at 7:00PM was agreed upon. Pat Kearney made the motion to schedule the work meeting for October 23, 7:00PM. Jordan Pace seconded the motion, and all council members voted in Favor.
The new owner of the home next to Slackers Restaurant requested a Short-Term Rental License. He was informed of the limited number of licenses and that his particular home can be a Bed and Breakfast.
Richard Braaten: Roads. Howard and Reese are working on bids for Sand Creek Bridge. They are also interested in bidding on the Dark Sky walking path. Bids are needed by October 15th when the grant draft is due.
Richard plans to ask the Bicknell Mayor if Torrey can borrow their street sweeper before winter.
Richard and Dustin are looking at Juniper Drive and other roads that need attention before winter. Resident John Dillenbeck expressed concern over the water runoff that erodes his property.
Jordan Pace: Water.
Jordan has been speaking with JaCee Johnson, about the splash pad to learn about the installation of the water feature. She will be asked to come to our November meeting.
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events
The town block party last Saturday was fun. The next town event will be the Christmas Hoedown on Thursday, December 12, 2024. It is the same day as Town council. The Town Council will schedule a work meeting on another day if necessary. The Dark Skies signs need to be installed. Dustin has all the components and is now scheduled with Mary.
Maintenance Report: Dustin Oyler,
The mixture valve process is complete. The pre bid meeting was held for the water line installation. Most contractors are now booked until next fall.
Borring the road will take longer. May need to proceed in Spring. Will accept bids still and ask for date projected of can build.
Starting to winterize meters.
Planning and Zoning: Carrie Torrey
Brock is reviewing the Subdivision ordinance.
Sue Fritske is the new planning and zoning chairman
Adjourn : Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Richard
Braaten seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.