May 12, 2022 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on:

at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:

May 12, 2022

Minutes of Torrey Town Council Meeting             

Meeting commenced at 6:49 PM

Mayor Mickey Wright welcomed all present in person and from Zoom land. The pledge of Allegiance was said followed by roll call.  Present were Mayor, April Morrison Clerk, Colleen Dudleston Treasurer, Council members Doug Robinson and Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace

A motion was made by Pat, seconded by Jordan to accept the minutes from April 2022 with changes. Motion passed unanimously.

A Motion was made by Pat and seconded by Jordan to accept the November Meeting minutes that were missing. Motion passed unanimously

A Motion was made by Pat and seconded by Doug to accept the CDBG Hearing minutes. Motion passed unanimously

Mayor Business: 

Mickey asked if everyone has done the open meeting training? He stated it need to be done.

Colleen announced Pelorus will be having a training.

Pat gave an update on the Eccles gran.  The application was rejected the first time and we resent, and it was accepted and gave them the extra needed information. Now we are just waiting on the answer.

Mickey gave an update on that the CBDG approved $37, 000.

Mickey reported he did apply for 5.5 million for pavement on department of transportation and has not heard back.

The walking path was the 3rd most important for the county commissioners. Mickey reported and they will work with CIB to find grants for walking paths.

There was a discussion on the water district. Pat brought up after working with a lawyer she learned that the state of Utah does not recognize our water district. The lawyer stated that we need to conserve water. We have an obligation to provide water to existing customers and put a six-month moratorium on water hook ups. We can remove them earlier if we can fix the items needed with the state. We would be foolish to do anything until we know more. A motioned to put a moratorium on water until November 2022 was made by Pat and Jordan seconded and motion passed.

IT Report

A discussion took place for the need of square to be able to run payments.

Clerk Report: The updated ordinances finally came, and April needs the ordinance books to update again. She stated business licenses were slowly coming back in and fees will be charged for late ones.

Treasurer Report: The monthly financial report was presented for the council approval. A motion to approve and pay bills was made by Pat and Seconded by Doug. Motion Passed.

Council Reports:

Trees & Cemetery– Pat reported that on Arbor Day the town planted 16 trees and wanted the thank the Chuck Wagon for providing refreshments. Working on getting water to new trees and would like to start an adopt a tee program. There was a discussion on the bids for the hazardous tree removal.  There are two trees that need to be removed.  The bids came in one was for $4800 and the other was $9100. Pat asked the council for approval to approve low bid. Doug motioned to accept the low bid and Jordan seconded and motion passed.

Pat reported for pearl to give a shout out to Scott Chesnutt for the dumpsters over the weekend. Maybe should publicly acknowledge at the commissioners meeting

Pat gave a report on the Cemetery. Two trees have been added to the Veterans Memorial entry way. It is now framed. Pat is working on getting sprinkler systems in the cemetery. The trees do not have a drip system, but the grass has the sprinkler system.

Water Updates: Doug – Stated they still have not started on spring project the forest service has not gave them access. The water tank was brough up and Doug stated we are waiting on the forest service to review it. 

A discussion was brought up on the key to the post office. The town has decided that it is the Post office responsibility who they let have the codes or keys and they need to work that out.

There is a leak in the spring that needs attention

Roads: Jordan Pace reported he has been pricing speed bumps and rumble strips. The total cost will depend on how many we want to put in. A Motion was made by Doug to try one set of speed bumps on Center Street. Motion was seconded by Pat and motion passed.

Park, Pavilion & Town Events: Pearl was excused.

Maintenance: Dustin Reported a battery for the speed sign has been ordered.

 Dustin has a cross connection class he needs to get approved and then summer help.

Doug motioned to approve the class over the internet and to pay for it and Jordan seconded Motion passed. Dustin stated he needs to place a Facebook ad and in the insider for summer help 16 years and older.

P&Z Report:  P & Z Approved a sign for dark skies coffee he wanted to add a 8” sign to the bottom drive thru.

Shook Coffee sign was approved contingent on the approved requirements.  Doug motion to approve the sign and Jordan seconded and motion passed.

Discussion on the survey and meetings with people that can help the town do the surveys took place.

Agenda Requests:  

Scott Faylor request for 2 “water meter – 6 months ago he tried to get water and got news that we had meters available and now he is ready to go and now he is hearing we have a moratorium on water.  Jordan motioned that when the water issues with the state get resolved that Scott gets put first in line to request water.  Doug seconded it. Motion passed.

Mary Bedingfield Smith is requesting a new business license for the mercantile.  A Motion was made by Pat and Seconded by Jordan to approve the License contingent upon the business getting a tax Id number. Motion passed.

Yolie is requesting a new business license for a food truck. A motion was made by Pat to approve the food truck license contingent upon a tax Id number provided as well as that they follow vendor truck ordinances.  Doug seconded. April will Print off truck vendor ordinance and give them.

Charlene Rivera requesting a new business license for home computer repair.  Pat motioned to approve the license if tax id is provided. Doug seconded and Motion passed.

Jordan Pace application for Short Term Rental for non-owner occupied. A Motion was made by Doug to approve the short-term rental license. Pat seconded and motion passed.

Paul Williamson an application for short term rental for non-owner occupied. On 83 n and 200 Torrey.  A motion was made by Pat to approve the application contingent upon meeting requirements. Jordan seconded and motion passed.

Chak balam Motion to approve their liquor license by Pat and seconded by Doug. Motion passed.

New Business – Discussed the outcome of the terrorism plea. The plea was read aloud.

A Letter needs to be written to the fire district requesting they put the lights on a motion sensor. The siren that sits on the current fire station needs to be moved to the new one.

We need to add to the ordinance the institutional buildings.

The town needs to write a letter of support to UDOT for Dark Skies. They need a letter from Torrey to put up a sign stating the town is a dark sky community. The town needs to wait until the sign design is finished before writing the letter.

We have had donations for purchasing the fireworks. Pearl needs to ask Bruce Phillips if he will be getting the fireworks. Doug suggested that we need to include Scott.

General Complaint- Jesse Pace put in complaint about the neighborhood around her as there are many trailers and cars parked on the lot. The town stated they could send a letter to the individuals on her complaint.

Meeting closed at 8:42 PM.   A motion was made by Pat to end the meeting Jordan seconded the motion. Motion passed.