March 6, 2024 – Torrey Town Work Meeting Minutes
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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Approved Work Meeting Minutes
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Torrey Town Council held a Special Work Meeting on Wednesday the 6th day of March 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Torrey Town Office located at 75 E 100 N. The agenda shall be as follows:
Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright, 6:43PM
Administrative Business:
Welcome/ Opening Remarks
Roll Call, Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace, Karen Mayne, Mayor Mickey Wright, Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart, Richard Braaten, Colleen Dudleston.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Pat Kearney
Agenda Requests/Discussion:
Review of Farmers Market Spoken and Written Comments: This discussion was postponed to later in the meeting to accommodate residents who may be back at 7:00PM.
Review Public Comments on Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax; No comments were offered.
Consider Resolution for EMS Funding: Mayor read the resolution into the minutes. Pat made a motion to accept the resolution, Pearl seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the resolution passed. Resolution 01-2024 was read into the minutes by Mayor Wright.
WHEREAS, the Utah Interlocal Cooperation Act, Title 11, Chapter 3, Utah Code Annotated 1953 as amended, permits governmental entities to enter into agreements with one another for the purpose of exercising a joint cooperative action which is in the best interest of residents and best utilizes resources; and
WHEREAS, the safety and well-being of the residents of Torrey Town are of paramount importance to the Torrey Town Council; and
WHEREAS, the provision of efficient and effective Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is vital to ensuring the health and safety of our community members; and
WHEREAS, the Wayne County EMS has been providing crucial emergency medical care to residents within Torrey Town and throughout the county; and
WHEREAS, Title 11, Chapter 48 of the Utah Code Annotated, requires municipalities to provide a minimum level of 911 ambulance services, within the territorial limits of the municipality; and
WHEREAS, Torrey Town and Wayne County have negotiated an agreement to have Wayne County provide emergency medical services within the Torrey Town boundaries; and
WHEREAS, Torrey Town Council and Wayne County find that mutual benefit and cost-effective government can be achieved for the emergency medical services.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existing Emergency Medical Services agreement with Wayne County is approved by the Torrey Town Council.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of March 2024.
By: ___________________________
Mickey Wright, Torrey Town Mayor
Karen Mayne, Torrey Town Clerk
Roll Call Vote:
Sheila Kearney Yes No
Jordan Pace Yes No
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart Yes No
Richard Braaten Yes No
Discuss General Plan: Mayor Mickey Wright made suggestions. First, correct the housing section. Correct the statement requiring minimum square footage in residential housing. There is no minimum as long as it complies with the Universal Building Code. Also, we need to add a statement regarding the establishment of housing for seasonal workers. Mayor Wright will work with Brock Jackson to fix the wording.
No further comments on the general plan.
Torrey Walking Path: The PKJ design group is almost finished with the design of the Torrey walking path. The grant request for funding is due March 15th; the grant does require matching funds from Torrey.
Mayor Wright intends to apply for a Utah Outdoor Grant.
Torrey Fee Schedule: The Town Council need to discuss the fee schedule for special events and for fences.
A discussion of the public events fee for the Farmers Market was held. The event fees ordinance describes most events as a one-time event. Discussion continued regarding ongoing events.
Brock Jackson commented that many towns created a Master Fee Resolution which takes the fee out of the ordinance and places all fees in a master resolution. Brock Jackson will assist Torrey in creating the fee resolution.
Public Question. “How much does the town pay for the Farmers Market”. Another question was asked about the Sales tax earned by the Farmers market.
Discussion continued regarding town fees to be reviewed, which includes the fence building permit fee.
7:06 PM Farmers Market discussion continued. Mayor Wright began by explaining the motion from the Town Council meeting in June 2023. This motion made by Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart stating that added security requirements are outlined as well as the need to find a safer location after the 2023 year. Mayor Wright said the time has come to place the Farmers Market in a safer location. It has outgrown Center Street. Richard Braaten hopes the public understands that no one wants to end the market.
Discussion continued about the needs of the Chuckwagon as well as desire to help make the Farmers Market a success.
Mayor Wright stated the motion last June has determined the market must move. Pat Kearney made the recommendation to have the market at the Town Center. The market can rope off the area. Discussion continued.
Benefits of the town center include the utilization of the Garkane bathrooms and children can use the park. Discussion continued regarding the rental of the pavilion and the Farmers Market. Signage will be needed for those using the pavilion. Mayor Wright explained the need for “Due Care” for public safety.
Pat Kearney proposed that this solution is for 2024 only and the council will urge the Farmers Market to find their own place.
Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart suggests not burdening the market vendors with an increased event fee. The council is not inclined to raise the fee this year however it needs to be evaluated each year. Discussion continued regarding event signage as well as contacting UDOT for temporary signage.
Pat Kearney made a motion that we have a one-year 2024 season Farmers Market on the town property from the west end of the pine trees to the edge of the Garkane bathrooms for vendor use. A revision to the location will be made to accommodate the weekend of Apple Days.
Richard Braaten seconded the motion. Richard Braaten, Pat Kearney, and Mayor Mickey Wright voted in favor. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart and Jordan Pace opposed. The motion passed 3 yes and 2 nays.
Public Comments:
A resident made a comment that the public should have been told that the decision was already made. A discussion was held regarding the lack of awareness of the location decision which was made in June 2023.
Ben (Hens) discussed the special event tax that he believes Torrey receives from special events, including the Farmers Market. Steve Zinik contributed to the discussion and several others.
Adjourn: Jordan Pace made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:47PM. Pat Kearney seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57PM.