March 6, 2023 – Torrey Town Work Meeting Minutes
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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Mayor and Members of Town Council held a work meeting on Monday 6th day of March 2023, 1:30 pm at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. The agenda was as follows:
Welcome Mayor Mickey Wright
Mayor Wright, Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace, Dustin Oyler, Colleen Dudleston, Kelley Chappell
Discussion and review of Water Master Plan & Road Maintenance Master Plan – Kelly Chappell, Ensign Engineering
Kelly Chappell presented the Ensign Engineering, road plan which included the 2 phases to be completed as funding allows.
Conditions and observations of Torrey roads was discussed. The council reviewed the plan that was the most aggressive for phases A and B of the road plan.
Phase A: Rebuilding Center St from Highway 24 going north to Sleeping Rainbow and the roads within Sleeping Rainbow. Repairing drainage issues was part of the discussion. Kelly explained the process of resurfacing the road: pulverizing the existing road to create a new base. New asphalt would then be placed as a new surface. Non paved roads would be paved. Total cost of Phase A is $2,993,000. This amount includes the Sand Creek bridge being built. The cost includes utility work that will need to be made.
Phase B: All the remainder of the roads in town would be repaired and resurfaced. The cost is just over 2,000,000. Discussion included the existing and proposed grants that Torrey will apply for in the future.
Mayor Wright has prepared for the grant application which is due March 15th, 2023. A
Discussion continued regarding additional letters of community support and documents needed for the Federal grant application. `
Ensign Engineering will provide application specific information from the road plan, for the grant application.
The Water General Plan was then discussed.
Kelly is still working on the evaluation of the Torrey base water rate structure.
The current Torrey base rate of 30,000 gallons is very high compared to most Utah
Municipalities. A discussion included the Torrey residential water usage. The average resident used 8,000 in July. Lowering the base rate tier may impact approximately 14% of the higher water users.
Peak day source production last year was 875,000 gallons, July 6, 2022.
Residential peak day demand usage was 810,000 gallons water usage in Torrey on July 2, 2022.
The state of Utah requires a water system to produce as much water on the peak day as your demand is on the peak day.
The peak source production does not include the Torrey springs which were recently developed. The state requires a three-year production average in order to use the amount of spring water produced.
The Council discussed the Utah population growth projections for Torrey.
Ensign Engineering discussed Torrey water distribution system improvements. However, the Torrey water storage capacity appears good.
A discussion began over the construction of the water tanks. A pre bid meeting was scheduled for the 29th of March, 3:00PM. Bids will be open and publicly read on April 11, 2023, at 3:00PM. The bid recommendations will be given on April 13th at the Town Council meeting.
Projected tank build finish date is around the end of November.
Discussion resumed concerning the base rate structure for the Torrey Water billing.
Cemetery Fence.
Pat lead a discussion about the fencing project scheduled to build around the Cemetery. The discussion included the neighboring properties and the sharing in the building cost of the fence. In addition, there are two small pieces of cemetery property that may be fenced as well or the Town Council can determine another use for it. Pat will contact the county to see the assessed value. Adjourn.
Pat made a motion to adjourn the work meeting. The motion was seconded by Jordan and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 3:21PM.