March 3, 2022 – Torrey Town Council Agenda
Download the Agenda PDF using the link below.
Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 3rd day of March at 6:30 pm at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:
Welcome : Mayor Mickey Wright
Administrative Business
- Welcome/ Opening Remarks
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Minutes for the February 10, 2022 Town Council Meeting
Plaque Presentation
Mayor Business
Tank Project Update
- Grant Status
- Eccles Grant Application for Playground submitted
- CDBG Grant is still a possibility
- Housing & Roads is a work in progress
- Walking Paths is restarting
- Sheriff’s RV and red fire unit pickup
- Dan is working on moving the RV & red pickup parked next to office is deputy fire chief’s
IT Report
- Created for communicating with Apple Days coordinators
Clerk Report : April Morrison
- Building renewals have been sent out
- P & Z Ordinance binders are almost finished
Financial Report : Colleen Dudleston
- Approve and Pay Bills
- Audit Report
Council Reports
- Pat Kearney: Cemetery, Trees & Office
- Doug Robinson: Water
- Jordan Pace: Water, Roads & P&Z Report
- Pearl Thorndale-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office and Town Events
Maintenance Report : Dustin Oyler
P&Z Report : Dave Love
- Building Permit approved conditionally upon lighting plan sorted out
- Dark Sky building permit was approved for shed & sign
- P&Z wants to put out a survey for the general plan. What People want Torrey to be in 10 years
Agenda Requests/Discussion
- Jaron Potter- Letter of intent for water
- Aram Kyababchyan -Request for water connection
Old Business
- Open bids on fence panels
- Bridget Fabel moved her trash can from the right of way after trash day pick up
- Discussion about purchasing grader.
- Is there consensus about purchasing grader?
- Rock Reef Café Beer & Wine license – signed doc for Rock Reef to get Beer & Wine license
New Business
- Discussion on Short Term Rental owner vs non owner Occupied
- Is the owner required to be presents when owner occupied STR is rented? Can they provide a local
- contact in case they are not present?
- Propane bill $3500 for Jan & Feb caused by $1 plus increase in the price of propane
- Discussion about the Justice Court
- Ordinances Issue Title 5 Public Safety Chapter 2 Animal Control Clause 5 Penalty
- Torrey Dark Sky Committee (TDS) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Need to create a formal relationship with TDS where is the group that can help with lighting plans and lighting issues. They are not enforcement!
Public Comment
- Dogs barking and public nuisance complaints on Bridget Fabel’s Property. Multiple complaints have been submitted.
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