March 2023 – Torrey Town Mayor Report

Download the Minutes PDF using the link below.

Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff plan and water master plan updates

  • Street Maintenance Master Plan o The total cost of upda ng all the streets in Torrey is approximately $5 million

   This is $2.9 million for Center Street and Sleeping Rainbow including a new bridge over Sand Creek and the reminder is for the remaining streets

  • This year’s grant request from Congressman Stewart’s office will only include the

Sleeping Rainbow por on  o The state of Utah is crea ng a fund, SB175 passed this past legisla ve session, for small towns to use for catching up deferred road maintenance.

   When this fund is available Torrey will be apply for funds to complete our road maintenance

  • The grant request for Congressman Stewart office must be submi ed by March 15
  • Water Master Plan Update o Peak water usage day for 2022 was July 2 with 810,000 gallons used o Peak water source day for 2022 was July 6 with 875,000 gallons incoming o The state now calculates Equivalent Residen al Units (ERU) based upon peak days
    • Formerly, ERU was 800 Gallons/day now based upon peak use o Ensign Engineering completed an audit of our water usage to insure we understand how much water is actually being used
      • The result of the audit is we have 48 ERU available.  
      • This year we have given out 8 ERUs leaving 40 ERUs
      • The 48 ERU does NOT include the new springs that are coming online this spring
      • The ERU bank will be updated when the new springs come online in the spring o Water Usage Sta s cs
      • There are 446 residen al meters deployed
      • The average residen al usage is 8,000 gallons per month
      • 14% use more than 30,000 gallons per month on average
      • 19% use more than 20,000 gallons per month on average
      • 32% use more than 100,000 gallons per month on average o Torrey is expected to growth at 3.5% per year for the next 20 years o Water Re-use study
      • Torrey has been awarded 75$,000 to study how to capture and reuse water
      • Ensign Engineering is running this project
  • Website updates o Upda ng the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more informa on about each individual business

o Crea ng templates for our forms to allow online comple on and submission

  • Several forms have been updated
    • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submi ed from the website
    • Crea ng templates so agendas and minutes have the same format o Forms are being updated and making sure the links are correct
    • Many thanks to Susan O’Connor-Wright who has volunteered to help with this project

Ongoing Projects

  • Establishing a Jus ce Court o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are star ng the process
  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find loca ons quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                   Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

  • Working to start Historic Commi ee o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and

Wayne County o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project o Commi ee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future genera ons o If anyone is interested in joining in this effort please contact myself or Torrey Town staff