March 14, 2024 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright,

Administrative Business:

            Welcome/ Opening Remarks

            Roll Call, Dave Love, Richard Braaten, Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart, Mayor Mickey Wright, Karen Mayne, Jordan Pace, Pat Kearney, Colleen Duddleston, Dustin Oyler

            Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart

            Review & Approve Minutes.

Minutes from February 08, 2024: Jordan Pace made a motion to approve the minutes. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded the motion and all approved.

Minutes from Public Meeting, Farmers Market, March 6: A motion was made by Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart to approve the minutes with corrections. Jordan Pace seconded the motion and all approved.

Conflict of Interest: None

            Public Comment:

Agenda Requests/Discussion:

Fritz Maslan – Capitol Reef Peach Tree Planting. On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 9:00AM there will be a peach tree planting project to include volunteers. There will be 130 trees planted at Jackson orchard. The Park is also pruning the trees. In April, the NPS will have a public meeting to present the Park orchard signage.

Colleyna Danler – Water Leak Forgiveness request was tabled. It needs to be in writing.

John Kriesel – Water Connection request for a residence on the Dump Road, Tyler Torgerson is making the request. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart made a motion to approve the water connection. Pat Kearney seconded all approved.

Sue Fritzke – Mercantile Update. The Mercantile has a change in leadership. Five newly elected board members are now the managers. Plans are in review for funding available through RCAC. Contacting potential tenants starting with local vendors.

The Mercantile group is Looking for specific guidance for the signage. Sue will work with Dave Love and Planning and Zoning. They will be submitting a sign permit application to comply with the ordinance.

Sue Fritzke – Residential Parcel merger, Ms. Fritzke wants to merge her two residential lots in the Davis subdivision. She intends to make one lot out of the two. Pat made a motion to approve the merger of parcels. Jordan seconded and all voted in approval. Sue will get the survey done and take to Wayne County

Mayor Business

Review Mayor’s March Report, copy included in these minutes.

Farmers Market discussion was difficult, however thanks to everyone the decision was made and put to rest.

Mayor Wright will have discussions with UDOT to increase pedestrian safety.

Mayor Wright is asking for a reduced speed limit during busy tourist months.

The Center St Culvert was replaced, and road surfacing will follow.

Grants, (walking paths): Mayor Wright is working on the budget with a revised scope of the project.

The new town hall: Kelly Chappel is working on a new smaller design. An in-kind match is being discussed.

Congresswoman Maloy: community project grants are open. Torrey plans to put in a request to replace the Rainbow bridge. Working on a proposal now. The community is receiving letters from locals and emergency responders regarding the safety issue of the bridge. .

IT: Karen’s email crashed and has been fixed.

The State of Utah has changed regulations as to the building that can encroach in the Town setbacks. As an example, stair landings, porches and basement window wells can be in the setback.

Commissioner meeting: Reported that Bicknell has drilled and the gallons per minute is 2,000! Lyman is putting their new well in the same general area.

Sales Tax reporting issues are being studied by Colleen Dudleston.

Sleeping rainbow water line is finished. Now waiting for the final bill.

Replacing the Four-inch water line on Main Street is being postponed during the tourist season.

Anderson is loaning Torrey an improved audio-visual equipment. Floyd Hare is going to build a speaker’s Podium.

Town Business

Claudia O’Grady – Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) Update

The Utah Housing Corporation bought two lots at 200 W 100 N. Plans are being                    developed  to build two fourplexes on the lots. UHC is looking for a workforce                                 demographic for housing. Ms. O’Grady presented ideas of the kind of twin homes and               single-family homes the UHC builds.

Discussion concerning establishing a Board of Adjustment,

Our Title 10 addresses an appeal authority for complaints against the town or planning    and zoning. Our Torrey appeal authority must be through a Board of Adjustments. The               Town Council is not the appeal authority. The board is typically 3-5 residents. Or a hired      land use attorney. Torrey needs to adjust ordinances to specify the appeal authority and           to set up a board of adjustment.

Brock suggested that the Town Council review the town ordinances and begin the               process. The water service district could be seen as pool of potential appointees.

Review of General Plan and discussion to accept, Mayor Wright recommended two           changes.

Thanks to Brock for all his guidance. Pat Kearney made a motion to embrace the General                Plan, Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded. All council members voted to approve.

Consideration of Energy, Highway and Telecommunications Tax; Mayor Wright                  reminded those present that the .3 tax increase on sales tax must be used for                               roads/transportation. The public hearing took place on March 6 and a discussion was held. Mayor Wright clarified that Energy and telecommunications is billing Garkane and    South-Central Communications. The Tax is .3 on roads and up to 6% on energy and         communications.

Pat Kearney made a motion to accept and implement the highway and                                       telecommunications taxes. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded the motion. All Council       members voted in favor of the motion. At 8:09Pm Pat amended the above motion to              correct the communication tax to up to 3.5%, the highway tax is .3% and the energy tax               is 6% the amount of tax collected. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded the motion and all        council members voted in favor. 

Consider Resolution to change Torrey Town Fees the original resolution is in place.           Brock Jackson recommended that a new master fee resolution be passed with the            changes. The previous fee resolution was passed in 2016. Pat made a motion to accept              the 2024 resolution of fees as previously discussed. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded             the motion. The Town Council all voted to approve the motion.

April Public Hearings: Mayor Wright stated that the Town Council needs to schedule a     public hearing in April for the Property Disposition Ordinance. Also, a public meeting       needs to be scheduled for a public information meeting regarding the lead and copper water pipes survey.

The Property Disposition Ordinance hearing can be held at 6:00 PM. Pearl Thorndahl-        Stewart made a motion to hold the Property Disposition Ordinance public hearing at           6:00 PM on April 11, 2024. Jordan Pace seconded. All Council members voted in favor.

Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart made a motion to hold the public information meeting                   regarding the lead and copper water pipes survey as required by the Federal                       6:30 PM on April 11, 2024. Pat Kearney seconded the motion, and all     voted in favor.

Consider Walking Path Grant Application to Utah Outdoor Recreation. The Town Council reviewed the budget for the Walking paths. Mayor Wright expressed thanks to PKJ engineering and Dustin for their help. The grant budget is $41,000. The request from Utah Outdoor Recreation funding is $30,000. Torrey will provide a 10% match of $3,000. and in kind contribution of $3,750. This is Torrey doing the site prep. On the budget it gives an in-kind detailed description. The budget discussion continued. The construction of the trail was included in the discussion.

Pat made a motion to approve the budget, Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded the motion. All voted to approve.

Fence Permit Inspection/Survey: Dave Love remarked that fence permits are issued over the counter. A problem occurs when the survey does not match the existing property use. Dave suggested the survey is provided to the Town and then someone goes out to view. Surveys are not always in sync with other surveys. Discussion about issues. Historical surveys were not always accurate. The Torrey Town ordinance protects the town easements and utility right of way. Ordinance 9-2-1

Clerk Report – Karen Mayne

GRAMA. – No requests were received.

Building permit Applications – Applications were received from William Barrett, Steve Babbitt, and Roy Nielson.

The Spring Newsletter was mailed. The lead pipe survey flyer was mailed at the same time.

Financial Report Colleen Dudleston

February 2024 Financial Report Review and Discussion. Pat Kearney asked why we are paying finance charges on the Blackburn propane bills. Colleen will investigate where these finance charges are coming from.

Pat Kearney made a motion to approve the financial report pay the bills. Pearl Thorndahl-Stewart seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.

  Council Reports

Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office. Pat Kearney is waiting for the weather to improve before tree to be finished.

Pathas not moved forward on the deeding of the property. She informed the property owner that the fence is going in during April. She has not gotten a response from the other party.

Torrey has a loose livestock problem with pigmy goats on Center St. According to the ordinance, anyone can impound the loose livestock and charge a fee. There is an impound fee. Mayor Wright will call to talk to the goats’ owner.

Richard Braaten: Roads, Events Pearl and Lynn will get together. Richard is working with Dustin to make a plan for the roads. Mayor wright commented that there are hardship waivers that can be awarded to communities seeking Community Project funding projects.

Jordan Pace: Water:

 Ron and Carolyn Moseman mentioned to Jordan; the road that goes back to Janets house needs road base. Ron agreed to spread it. The road in question is 150 E which goes past Rons house to Janet. Town will provide the road base. A discussion of the road as a priority was held. Town needs to get bids for the road base.

Ron Moseman wants to move a water meter. It is on another lot, and he wants to move it onto his property, near his property line. Ron said he will do the work if Torrey provides the meter. Dustin and Jordan will work with Ron.

In addition, on 150 E there is a water meter that may need to be moved. The blue stakes will be notified and then investigate whose it is. Dustin and Jordan will follow through.

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events.

The park is being well used. The kids like the new play equipment. Easter preparations are underway.

Maintenance Report Dustin Oyler

The burn next week may be postponed, depending on the storms coming. UDOT permit is in place so he can construct the Big Apple bridge.

P&Z Report – Dave Love – In the General Plan the size of homes must meet HUD rules.

Hope to be finalizing the subdivision ordinance very soon.

Old Business – Jordan Pace inquired: did we get street signs for Paulas road. Dustin replied that                 Wayne County is supposed to provide the signs. Dustin will follow through.

The dark sky signs will be going up soon.

Pat Kearney asked regarding permanent Town signs. In particular, “ Postal Patrons Only” (there                 are official parking signs); “Reserved Parking for the Pavilion”, “Private Event Parking”.             Colleen and Karen will work on the signs for the pavilion and the market. Also Yield     signs.

Pat Kearney reported on the Farmers Market planning committee meeting.

Adjourn: Pearl made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50PM. Jordan seconded the              motion. All council members voted in favor.
