March 10, 2022 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on:

at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:

March 10, 2022

Minutes of Torrey Town Council Meeting             

Meeting commenced at 6:34 PM

Mayor Mickey Wright welcomed all present in person and from Zoom land.   Pearl

Thorndal Stewart gave the pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call.  Present were Mayor, April Morrison Clerk, Colleen Dudleston Treasurer, Council members Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Doug Robinson and Pat Kearney.

A motion was made by Pearl Thorndal Stewart, seconded by Pat Kearney to accept the minutes from February 2022 pending fixed items Motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Business:  

Shay from 6 County AOG indicated our CBID grant looks good.  The ADA may need to be revisited in form of resolution.

Affordable Housing: Mickey has been in contact with Congressman Stewart’s Office. 

Mickey has talked to Daryl at UDOT and got updates on road work and walking paths. 

Mickey talked to Sherriff Dan about removing his RV from the Town rental house.  Dan assured Mickey he will take care of this right away.  The RV is going to the land fill to be dismantled.  The mysterious red pickup parked at Town Hall is the new fire chief’s truck and will be moved upon completion of the fire department building.

IT report by Mickey. He created a new email distribution list for the apple days Clerk Report: 

 April gave the clerk report.  All business license renewals had been sent out. The P & Z Ordinance books are complete. She also reported that she had gotten her clerk certification.

Financial Report: Colleen gave the financial report, and the audit has been outlined in the report. There was a discussion about required trainings; it was indicated that it can be done individually and online. 

Colleen wants to address the custodial credit risk. Pat made a motion to address the credit risk and Pearl seconded. Motion Passed. 

Council Reports:

Pat Kearney had nothing to report

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart asked for clarification on the Arbor Day celebration.  The Arbor Day celebration is Saturday, May 6 commencing at 11 AM at the Pavilion. Refreshments will be served at the celebration. 

 Pearl stated, Carrie would like to do a movie in the park that night and will need to reserve the pavilion that night at 6:30 PM.

The town easter egg hunt will be the 16th of April at the Torrey Park at 9 AM. 

The County commissioners have been invited to apple days. There was discussion about grant for Big Apple Days advertising that Pearl will investigate.

Doug Robinson stated that it looks like Sand Creek Irrigation is going to have to put meters on each stockholder. There was a bill in the current legislative session (HB242 )that was passed that may exempt counties of the 5 & 6 class. He stated that Torrey’s secondary water is pressurized. He stated the state tracks water usage and that if we don’t use the water, we will lose it. We need to plan now.

IT & P&Z Report:

Dark Sky Coffee sign and shed was approved.

Aram’s building permit approved conditional upon completing his building permit and his lighting plan be completed.

Dave discussed the general plan survey.  He would like to have Mike Petrie put the survey together.  Approval was given by the Town Council to do a general plan survey. 

There discussion about heating the pavilion more economically and suggestions will be investigated.

Agenda Requests:

Jaron Potter requested a letter of water intent needs hook up out behind the cemetery need a well serve letter. Doug made a motion to approve, Pat seconded. Motion passed.

Aram has a request for a residential water hook up. His building permit was reviewed and approved by the P&Z.   Pat made a motion to approve the application with conditions imposed by P & Z being met before the permit is signed Pearl seconded. Motion passed. 

The Council Agreed to amend the agenda to address all items pertaining to Bridget Fabel. 

Citizen’s complaints – The Town has had complaints on Bridget Fables’ dogs, the town will send a letter following procedure. Bridget will have 30 days to take care of it. We will revisit after 30 days and if it hasn’t been taken care of then the town will follow through. 

Gayle Snedeger added a complaint about Bridget’s dogs and stated the barking is quite loud. She stated, she was told Bridget is scary.  Doug commented we have had problems with animals’ disturbances in the past and we did not have a dog catcher. A letter will be sent to Bridget from the from the Town Council. 

Discussion about the grader took place and it was stated the town would investigate getting an estimate to fix the old grader before deciding on purchasing the new one.

Rock Reef lighting was addressed, and shield should be installed soon. 

A discussion on Short Term Rentals took place. The meaning of language in the ordinance needs more clarification and no consensus was reached. It will need to be discussed upon renewal of the ordinance

Pat opened bids on a lot of panels, and it was stated the town would give priority to the total lot. Tyler Torgerson was the highest bidder. Doug Motioned to accept the bid and Pearl second. 

Motion passed. 

Addendum: After Checking the numbers it was stated that the winning bid was incorrect and was fixed. Daren Morrison was the Highest Bidder. 

The propane bill was discussed, and we will investigate more cost savings units.

 There was a discussion about a Justice Court and was tabled for a later date.

Torrey Dark Sky asked for memorandum of understanding with the Town to assist with lighting plans and lighting issues. Pat stated there were changes that needed to be made. Conflicts with the pavilion rental needs addresses as well as the star party needs to be on Friday during Apple Days. Pat motioned to accept the presented memorandum with the changes being done. Doug seconded. Motion passed. 

Meeting closed at 8:10 PM.   A motion was made by Pat to end the meeting Pearl seconded the motion. Motion passed.