July 27, 2023 – Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Minutes

Download the Minutes PDF using the link below.

Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


  1. Roll Call & Pledge

Dave Love

Janet Hansen

Carrie Torrey

Kate Chappell

Carolyn Moosman

Jeri Austin

Steve Babbitt(excused)

Jordan Pace ?

Public/Zoom: Pam Peterson (Asava)

 Sandra Dale

2) Any Conflicts of Interest? none

3) Approve minutes from June meeting Jeri motioned to approve June minutes. Kate seconded; all were in favor.

4)Work meeting minutes. Jeri motioned to approve the work meeting minutes. Carolynn seconded; all were in favor.

5) Sign permit: Asava Carrie Motioned to approve sign permit with conditions that if UDOT says it must be moved back Carolyn seconded; all were in favor.

6) GP Motion for public hearing Carrie motioned that P&Z schedule a public hearing for the General Plan to be held before our next regular meeting. Jeri Seconded the motion, all were in favor. *Thursday, August 31st at 6pm*this is a correction as we thought the next regular meeting was the 24th. Comments will be strictly held to the 2-3 min limit at the Public Hearing and written comments accepted until 24hrs after the hearing. Draft of GP will be posted to town website and 2 paper copies for public to view in the office (but not take as it’s a lot of paper to print).

7) Discussion: subdivision ordinance

Plan is for everyone to email the group (P&Z email) with all our concerns/ideas then once all are collected send the full list to Brock so he can create a rough draft to possibly have in August.

8) Other business

Just heads up about a contractor asking about placing a Conex(shipping container). Torrey has no ordinance addressing them. As is with no alterations to the container it falls under a non-permanent structure(shed) or essentially like a trailer being parked. Dave is under the understanding they must seek setback approval.  However, the ordinances are not clear. Carrie drafted a letter to the contractor on behalf of P&Z with a clip of the ordinance, and encouragement to abide by the Town’s setbacks. The contractor said the plans were to be well within the interior of the property so no worries about it encroaching into setbacks.

Carolyn had Building Permit/plans for Pett House and didn’t understand why they couldn’t just go to Eric if the setbacks were straight forward. She was under the understanding everything had switched to over-the-counter BP. Dave proposed we motion approval with conditions if he had a look over the plans and they met all ordinances he could then kick it to Eric. Carrie was uncomfortable bending the ordinances/deadline for the monthly meeting’s approval. So, this BP was tabled until next month.

9) Comments from Public none

10) Next meeting August 31th, 7:00 pm Public hearing at 6pm

11)Adjourn motion to adjourn made by Jeri, Seconded by Janet. All were in favor.