July 24, 2024- Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Minutes
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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Roll Call
Karen Mayne -Clerk
Jordan Pace (TC)
Carolyn Moosman (P&Z)
Dave Love (P&Z)
Janet Hansen (P&Z)
Mickey Wright (Mayor)
Carrie Torrey (P&Z)
Kate Chappell (P&Z)
Pat Kearney (TC)
Brock Jackson (R6)
Excused: Steve Babbitt (P&Z), Pearl Thorndal-Stewart (TC), Richard Braaten (TC)
Public: Joan Sawyer, John Lee, Tob Kulakosfsky, Steve Lutz, Charlie Smith
Pledge lead by Jordan Pace
- Conflicts of Interest none
- Subdivision Ordinance Discussion with Town Council & Brock w/R6
Discussion & review of the sub-division was led by Dave Love & Brock Jackson of R6.
Mayor Mickey asked regarding the definition on Section 2 last sentence. The paragraph covers converting agriculture land to development. Brock explained that this was put in as a “best practice.”
Agricultural Land is exempt from subdivision if divided for personal use.
Section 6, 1st paragraph; Administrative Land Use Authority was discussed.
Jordan questioned Section 1, #6. Jordan felt the section was wordy and not specific enough. Dave explained the ideas become more specific later in the document. Brock said all the content is from state code.
Mayor Mickey wanted to discuss 7-2-2A regarding the review process.
Jordan observed that the Subdivision Ordinance refers to General Plan in many places. A discussion was held regarding the relationship between the Subdivision Ordinance and the General Plan.
7-4-1c, Mayor had questions regarding the review cycles for a Subdivision Improvement Plan Review. Brock explained this state code word for word.
Mayor observed that because of the fee section, Torrey will have to update the Town fee Schedule.
Mayor Mickey requested clarification on Section 9-7 certificate of acceptance. The question was addressed by Brock.
Brock offered to speak with council members to address any other questions as they come up. He also acknowledged the great work by the Planning & Zoning Commission to create this document. He reminded the council that this document can be edited.
At 6:55 the TC was excused and meeting continued with regular P&Z business.
- Minutes from July 3rd
Kate motioned to approve July 3rd meeting minutes, Carolynn Seconded. All were in Favor.
- BP
- Rob Kulakosfsky Carrie Motioned we approve this BP contingent on finding correct paperwork
- Entrada? No agenda request, however we have B. plans. Unanimously in agreement no variance, no moving the ADA bathroom. Parking discussion 1car =3 people
Carrie Motion to approve BP for entrada phase, Carolyn Seconded; all were in favor.
Next Meeting August 29th 6:30pm. Motion to adjourn Made by Janet, Seconded by Carrie; all in favor.
Ordinance 9 & 10 conflictions discussion Tabled until next month
Public Comments none