January 13, 2022 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on:

at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:

January 13, 2022

Minutes of Torrey Town Council Meeting            

Meeting commenced at 6:34 PM

Mayor Mickey Wright welcomed all present in person and from Zoomland.  Dustin Oyler gave the pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call.  Present were Mayor, Council members Doug Robinson, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Jordan Pace and Pat Kearney

The minutes from November have not been located. 

 A motion was made by D. Robinson, seconded by P. Thorndal-Stewart to accept the minutes from December 3 CDBG public hearing and December 10, 2021, as well as the meeting to interview candidates for the clerk position held on January 5.  Motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Business: Mayor thanked all who assisted in getting the application for CDBG grant for playground improvements in on a very short timeline.

Ensign Engineering’s Kelly Chappel provided information and answered questions on the water system and the status of our spring development. He described issues that must be addressed with the USFS  for the new water tank and gave recommendations from the water study that indicates that until further source and storage projects are completed, 60 equivalent residential connections be available.  Council members shared that there is a formula in place for that dispersal.   

Pat Kearney was unanimously approved as Mayor pro-tempore. 

Clerk Report: Pat Kearney reported that the search for a new clerk is in progress and should be completed soon.  All clerk business has stagnated but cannot be blamed on Covid.  A calendar of regular Town Council meetings will be posted pro forma.

Resolution #1-2022 was adopted to make February 7, 2022 Scott Chesnut Day.  A celebration will take place at the next Council Meeting.

Financial Report: Colleen Dudleston presented the financial reports for November & December.  The annual audit report has yet to be returned pending the delivery of a document to the auditors.  The completed report is expected to be returned shortly.  Town council approved  payment of the invoices.

Council Reports: Jordan Pace reported the town right of way on sand creek rd needs repairs and rocks returned to strategic locations.  With the installation of fiber optic by the phone company, the “speed bumps need to be re-placed.  

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart reported that solutions to the poor acoustics in the Pavilion is being explored and welcomes input and materials.  Town will have an Easter egg hunt again and would like letters sent soliciting donations.

Pat Kearney reported that pruning and tree maintenance assessment will commence in February.

Maintenance report was given by Dustin Oyler The town grader is on hospice;  a replacement should be included in the capital projects list.

IT & P&Z Report: There is a glitch in the Bill pay feature on the town website.  Mickey indicated James Anderson is addressing this via Xmission.  

Names were presented to fill the vacancies on the P&Z.   Dave Love, Janet Hansen and Carolyn Moosman were accepted unanimously. 

Pat made a motion to send Dustin Oyler to water school in February, Doug Robinson seconded the motion.  Motion passed.  

A motion was made to approve a business license for Kindred Spirits, a store selling spirits.  Pat made a motion to approve the application, Jordan Pace seconded.  The motion passed.

Larry Harper asked for a 2nd extension to his building permit.  Discussion followed.  An extension until the end of 2022 was approved.

There was a discussion regarding an ongoing garbage can complaint, the letters that the Town has sent to rectify the citizens’ complaints and non- compliance with those requests.  A new letter will be sent indicating that this has escalated to a nuisance offense and the Town will impose a fine on the ordinance breaker for non-compliance.

A motion was made to close the meeting to discuss personnel issues by  Pearl Thornal-Stewart, seconded by Pat Kearney.  Motion passed

Meeting closed at 8:15.

Meeting reopened at 8:20.  

The Town Council approved hiring April Morrison as clerk. 

At 8:30 A motion was made to end the meeting. Motion passed