February 10, 2023 – Torrey Town Council Minutes
Download the Minutes PDF using the link below.
Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 9th day of February 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:
Welcome Mayor Mickey Wright
Administrative Business
Welcome/ Opening Remarks
Roll Call: Pat Kearney, Jordan Pace, Karen Mayne, Mickey Wright Mayor, Doug Robinson, Pearl Throndal Stewart, Colleen Dudleson, Dustin Oyler.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Jordan Pace
Review & Approve Minutes of January 12th Regular Town Council meeting. Some changes and corrections were discussed. Pearl made the motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Pat seconded the motion. All Council members approved the motion.
Agenda Requests/Discussion
Capitol Reef National Park – Superintendent, Sue Friske
Visitors use management is an issue being evaluated due to steadily increasing visitation.
Capitol Reef visitation has increased from 1.2 to 1.5 million in the past five years. The Park has need for management with existing trail systems and to address flash flooding in drainages. The facilities and infrastructure were built in 1960’s for 250,000 visitors annually.
The park scenic drive is scheduled to be repaired.
Luis Murano, Business License request
Mr. Murano presented his request for a business license for a food truck business. Jordan made the motion to approve the business license application upon receiving all appropriate documents. Doug seconded the motion, and all voted in approval.
Steve Black, Water Leak
Jordan made a motion to forgive the overage. Discussion followed regarding the winter, water pipe leaks and the need for residents to be aware of winterizing their homes, in particular summer only residents. Doug seconded the motion and all approved.
Ty Markham – Water Leak
Pat made a motion to forgive the overage. Jordan seconded the motion and all agreed,.
Jeff Hatch – Water Leak,
Pat made a motion to forgive the water overage cost. The motion was seconded by Doug all agreed. The motion passed.
It was discussed having a recorded phone message on the Town phone telling people with water emergencies to call a member of the town council to get help. The Council also suggested that summer only residents be advised to turn off their water prior to the winter weather.
Shannon Harmer- Water Leak.
Ms. Harmer Wants to know how to separate her original water meter from the house below. Discussion began regarding the best way to separate the properties into two meters. A course of action was suggested to consult with the county and an attorney to go forward in separating. Ms. Harmer has been paying for the problem for many months. Pat made a motion to forgive the remainder of the excess water charges going forward. Jordan seconded the motion, and all agreed. The motion passed.
Also, obtain any winterization information to share. A recommendation was made to include weatherization information in the newsletter.
Water tank update by Mayor Wright.
As soon as they sign off on the project it will go to bid. Kelly from Ensign Engineering will then put the bid out.
The Forest Service will be performing some road work up to the tank including initial graveling and road maintenance to the tank Doug made a motion to create the MOU with the Forest Service , Jordan seconded and all agreed. Motion passed.
Juniper Dr.
Discussion was held about the drainage plan and potential maintenance.
Mayor Business
Review Mayor’s Report, a copy is included in these minutes.
Mayor Wright has started a grant request with the Department of Agriculture for a new town hall building.
The Torrey Town website is in the process of being updated.
Town Business
Clerk Report – Karen Mayne
Doug made the motion to get a town credit card for Karen, Jordan seconded the motion and all city council members agreed. The motion was passed.
Financial Report Colleen Dudleston
A discussion was held about the installation process.
Pat made a motion that we accept the financial statement and approve to pay the bills.
Jordan seconded the motion, and all agreed. Motion was passed unanimously.
Council Reports
Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office
Doug Robinson: Water.
Discussion was held about Post Office access.
Jordan Pace: Water, Roads
Kelley with Ensign Engineering will come back to the Torrey Town Council at 1:30PM on March 6 to discuss the water plan.
Jordan briefed the Council member about the Torrey Road Master Plan.
The general plan is being updated by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A suggestion was made to contact the Six-County Admin Specialist to assist with a review and make recommendations.
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events
The Torrey Easter egg hunt is being planned for April 8.
Apple Days is scheduled to be held on June 30 and July 1st. Mayor Wright wants the vendor applications for Apple Days to be available on the website as soon as possible.
Pearl stated the Torrey Park playground equipment is now being ordered.
Maintenance Report Dustin Oyler.
The State of Utah is requiring information on older house pipe systems. Utah towns must inventory type of pipe.,. A motion was made by Pat to have Kelley apply for the grant. Jordan seconded the motion and all approved.
Dustin has the need for a laser level. Doug made the motion to approve the purchase of the laser level. Pat seconded motion, all agreed, and the motion waspassed.
P&Z Report – Dave Love was excused.
Old Business: None
Public Comment: None given.
Adjourn: Pearl made a motion to adjourn. Doug seconded the motion, Motion passed at 8:18pm.
Mayor’s Report
February 2023
January & February Activities
• In the past the mayor’s report has been many details about many things that are going on. This is hard to digest and to remember. This written report will contain the details and will be made available with the agenda. This allows everyone to review before the council meeting.
• Easements assigned to individuals on Juniper Drive were discovered
o It is believed that the easement holders, which is all of the property owners on Juniper Drive may request Torrey to maintain the road, which we will do
o At this week’s work meeting a plan to address the drainage issue on Juniper Drive was discussed and accepted. Jordan and Dustin are working on implementing the plan.
▪ First action will be discussion with the property owners to make sure it is acceptable
• Town Council work meeting
o A work meeting was held Monday, February 6th to review the road maintenance master plan
o The expected cost is approximately $3.8 million for a complete update to the roads
o This includes $800,000 to replace the bridge to Sleeping Rainbow. It will be a two-lane road with sufficient length to allow emergency responders to access Sleeping Rainbow during flash floods
o The next step is preparing the grant request for Congressman Stewart office
• Establishing a Justice Court
o Karen is getting up to speed on how to establish a Justice Court
o Will need to have a secure courtroom
▪ Looking at some possibilities
o Will need to have law enforcement available during court sessions
• Grant requests status
o Preparing a draft grant request to the Department of Agriculture for a new town hall
▪ A meeting with the agriculture department regional director to inform them of the request and the need for a new town hall is being arranged. This is the required first step in the process.
o We are working on restarting the walking path project that was discussed several years ago
▪ Torrey’s part is a walking path along main street
• Working to start Historic Committee
o Having discussion with several folks about how best to preserve the history of Torrey and Wayne County
o Looking for people that would be interested in helping with this project
o Committee’s goal is to find ways to save the history of Torrey for future generations
• Website updates
o Working with AC Ivory to update the website to newer technology that non-technical individuals can use to keep the website updated.
o Updating the business page to integrate with Google Maps to provide more information about each individual business o Creating templates for our forms to allow online completion and submission
- Creating templates so agendas and minutes have the same format
Ongoing Projects
• Establishing a Justice Court
o Let Commissioners & Mayors know we are starting the process
• Water reuse study
o This is the $40,000 grant to study how to capture water for reuse
o Project plan has been created by Ensign Engineering
• Street signs for all streets
o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find locations quickly
o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign
• Working to get Building Permits online with building permit process checklist
o This will make it easier for everyone to get the needed documents without having to come to the Torrey office
- This is being worked as part of the website update
Items to sort out
• ATV regulations to reduce traffic and noise
o How can Torrey control ATV traffic without running afoul of state law
• Location of Farmer’s Market
o The Farmer’s Market is getting bigger than the current area supports
o Need to review the safety of folks attending Farmer’s market and traffic on Center Street
• Need to get someone to write report on Planning & Zoning for Insider
o We need to have a synopsis of what goes on in the council meeting and P&Z meetings sent to the Insider.