February 10, 2022 – Torrey Town Council Minutes
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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Town Council will hold the regular scheduled Town Council Meeting on:
at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 No. Note the agenda may be accelerated or line items may be discussed in any order. The agenda shall be as follows:
February 10, 2022
Minutes of Torrey Town Council Meeting
Meeting commenced at 6:36 PM
Mayor Mickey Wright welcomed all present in person and from Zoomland. Pearl Thorndale Stewart gave the pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call. Present were Mayor, April Morrison Clerk, Colleen Duddleston Treasurer, Council members Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Jordan Pace and Pat Kearney
A motion was made by Pat Kearney, seconded by Pearl Thorndal-Stewart to accept the minutes from January 2022 Motion passed unanimously.
Plaque presented to Scott Chesnut for his services- Scott was out of town and was not present to accept plaque
Mayor Business:
Mickey reported that Daryl Friant said the road would be paved to Caineville with wide shoulders/ soft surface for a walking path and to go forward for grants with Utah Open Spaces. UDOT Prefers ATV’s on pavement and will need to work with law enforcement on solutions. Drainages will need to be fixed.
Mickey reported that Sharlene Wilde the executive for Crown Housing would like to come and look and identify areas for single family housing. 1 area located in Torrey and 1 area outside of Torrey. The grant process takes a long time.
The CIB Survey is due by April 1st if it is not completed by then, we will not be eligible.
Mickey would like Pearl to go ahead on the grant with Eccles foundation for the playground
The Powers and Duties books were ordered and handed out.
Dave Love was elected chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee
Aaron Jenson is on his second term, and it is up in 2023. Aaron has missed 8 meetings and attended 3. It was stated that they need to replace him with someone who can attend meetings. Steve Babbitt volunteered to join the P & Z council and stated he would be able to attend meetings. A motion was made to put Steve on P & Z by Pat and was seconded by ??
IT report by Mickey that he signed Torrey up for the water assistance program to help people that can not pay or about to get shut off. Checks will be sent to Torrey. Mickey will show April & Colleen how to get into the portal.
Motion was made to fix the Water Resolution numbers and update to 64 by Pearl and was seconded by Jordan.
Clerk Report: April gave the clerk report and a motion to add April and Mickey to the bank account and approve debit cards was made by Jordan and was seconded by Pat. Motion passed.
The 3rd complaint letter that was sent out it was stated that Bridget Fabel will come compliant with the ordinance. The issue should be resolved stated Michael Winn who was there on behalf of Bridgette
Financial Report: Colleen gave the financial report- a motion to approve and pay bills was made by Jordan and seconded by Pat. Motion passed.
Colleen still hasn’t had time to go over the audit report and will report next time.
Council Reports:
Pat Kearney reported that The Arbor Day Celebration will be held the 1st Saturday in May. There will be an Ice Cream Social with the Arbor Day Celebration . This follows the week of the town clean up.
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart reported that a statement was put in the water bill for donations for the Easter egg hunt but will need to go on Facebook . A discussion about bringing back the Scarecrow Festival and doing a Harvest Dinner to coordinate with Star Event took place. There was also discussion about doing the Christmas Tree festival with the Hoe Down. The Town Clean up will be held 1st Saturday in May.
Doug Robinson attended to Sand Creek flood damage that was hit hard and found vandalism of the pipe. Leon Bogedahl will pursue the vandalism of the pipe.
Jordan Pace reported that after discussing with Kelly on the Culinary Water project that it will be on hold because a NEPA report is needed and can take two years to obtain, and the grant must be spent by 2024.
There are damaged roads, and the grader is still on hospice and investigated purchasing one from Jacksons the discussion about fixing the old one or purchasing a new one was tabled. A motion was made by Pearl to have Jacksons repair the road for now and was seconded by Pat. Motion Passed
Maintenance Dustin Oyler reported that an add will be placed in the paper and ran for 2 weeks for the panels. League of Cities needs to come down and a date needs to be chosen. Getting regular trash cans for the park.
IT & P&Z Report:
Mercantile lighting plan was approved as well as the Chak Balam building expansion permit.
Old Business Rental House Update by Dustin that the pellet stove has been purchased and waiting on a piece of pipe before can install.
New business
Big Apple Report Volunteers are needed for the Big Apple Days. A bigger tent is needed to shield the sun. A meeting shall be scheduled for Apple Days in March. Easter Egg hunt reported by Pearl that there is a need for donation for prizes and we only have a $300 budget as of right now. A post will be made to try and get more donations.
A motion was made to approve a business license contingent upon fixing the lighting issue for Rock Reef Café Pat made a motion to approve the application, Pearl seconded. The motion passed.
A motion was made to approve a water connection application for the Hobbs Pearl made a motion to approve the application, Jordan seconded. The motion passed.
There was a discussion regarding an ongoing guide service and dogs being kenneled complaint and it was found that there is no evidence to suggest it is a business.
The repairs to Juniper Drive will happen by Jacksons and will be fixed.
Meeting closed at 8:22 PM. A motion was made by Pearl to end the meeting Jordan seconded the motion