December 29, 2022 – Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775

Torrey Town Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes

December 29, 2022, 6:00pm 

Torrey Town Park Pavilion & Zoom

75 East 100 North, Torrey, UT 84775 1)Roll Call

Jeri Austin            P                                     E                                                             Jordan Pace(TC)        P     

Dave Love            P                                                  Janet Hansen              P                                                 Public/Zoom:           Joshua Rolly,

Richard Jensen    P                                             Carolyn Moosman     P                                      Kathryn Boltz, Mickey &

Carrie Torrey                                  Steve Babbitt             P                                       Susan  

2) Pledge 3) Call for conflicts of interest None

  • Approve Minutes from November Motion to approve made by Janet, Seconded by Carolyn. All were in favor.
  • Approve BP Capitol Reef Inn Motion to approve the BP to tear down Capitol Reef Inn & Café and build 4 cabins on the site made by Steve, Seconded by Richard. All were in favor.
  • Approve sign for Skyview Some discussion was had about changing the color of the domes. Joshua stated they would paint them close to the color of the ground. Richard made motion to approve the sign, Steve seconded the motion. All were in favor.
  • Colleen from county discussion subdivision Colleen Alan from Wayne County P&Z came to talk about subdivisions. Discussion about minor and dedicated subdivisions. 

Minor= 1acre minimum size, 3 lots maximum.

Dedicated =                          

As many lots as you want.

Require a cul-de-sac                                                 survey                                                                 maps                                                                                      applicator                                                         

proof of water                                                                                 waiver from county-taxes are paid                                  well permit (for every lot)                                          impact fee -$10,000.00  8) General Plan Discussed working on GP for next meeting.

9) Other business Discussion about P&Z doing building permits 

10) Comments from public

11) Next Meeting January 26, 2023, 6:00pm

 Motion to adjourn made by Janet, seconded by Richard. Meeting adjourned.

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Topic: Torrey Planning & Zoning December 2022 Meeting

Time: Dec 29, 2022 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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