August 8, 2023 – Torrey Town Work Meeting Approved Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Torrey Utah

PO Box 750027

Torrey, UT 84775

Approved Minutes

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Torrey Town Council held a work meeting on Monday the 8th day of August, 2023 at 5:00 pm at the Torrey Town Office located at 75 E 100 N. The agenda was as follows:

Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright

Administrative Business:

                Welcome/ Opening Remarks: Mayor Wright

Roll Call

Present: Doug Robinson, Jordan Pace, Karen Mayne, Mickey Wright, Pat Kearney, Dustin Oyler, Mike with Ensign Engineering, Kelly Chappell,

Absent: PearlThorndahl-Stewart,

Agenda Requests/Discussion:

            Water Reuse Grant study review: The wastewater feasibility study was outlined by Kelly Chappell. The study was funded by the State of Utah. A discussion continued regarding the State perception of the increased load of wastewater in Torrey.

The study is in draft form and looks ahead at a possible waste water collection system in Torrey.

An introduction was made by Mike as to how much wastewater we are producing and what the treated water be reused for. The base wastewater usage amount for Torrey is approximately 204 gallons per day per connection. The peak day for Torrey is approximately 336 gallons per day per connection.  The average daily flow for Torrey would create approximately 168,000 gallons which would go through treatment and then require storage.

Included in the discussion was:

1. The type of contaminants that can potentially go into the ground water with septic systems.

2. Are ground contaminants a problem for Torrey? Ensign Engineering will answer the questions by sampling wells and rivers.

Discussion continued regarding the maintenance and personnel requirements to run a wastewater system. The scope of the study included the Torrey water district. Discussion of varying types of treatment plants and storage was held.

Kelley presented maps of Torrey’s water district generated from the study. The study included a map of the number of wells and septic’s currently in place, geological formations, soil type areas, ground water and public source protection zones. Also included was a map of areas with a dense concentration of wastewater flows.

Collection and treatment systems: 3 collection options and treatment options were explained. Discussion continued with a brief review of possible collection lines placement.

Discuss and create scope of work for EPA led and copper pipe project:

The state is requiring municipalities to conduct an inventory of water pipes used from home to meter and meter to public water system. Torrey received a grant of $92,000 to conduct the inventory which includes material and size of pipe used. The inventory includes commercial locations as well as residential. The state has included a public outreach component which includes a questionnaire for homeowners as well as written information explaining the new requirements and why.  The led pipe ban occurred in 1989.

Adjourn: Pat Kearney made a motion to adjourn the work meeting. Jordan seconded and all agreed to adjourn.