August 10, 2023 – Approved Torrey Town Council Minutes
Download the Minutes PDF using the link below.
Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Torrey Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Members of Torrey Town Council held the regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 10th day of August 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Torrey Town Office located at 75 E 100 N. The agenda was as follows:
Welcome, Mayor Mickey Wright
Administrative Business
Welcome/ Opening Remarks
Roll Call, Present: Jordan Pace, Pat Kearney, Karen Mayne, Mayor Wright, Doug Robinson, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Dustin Oyler, Colleen Dudleston, Dave Love
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor
Review & Approve Minutes of the July 13, 2023, Town Council Meeting.
Doug Robinson made a motion to approve the minutes for July as corrected. Pat Kearney seconded and all voted in favor.
Pat Kearney requested an agenda revision to include completing the water rate discussion and to approve the amount of the impact fees.
Pat Kearney made a motion to standardize the residential connection fee to $2,000. Additional costs may be added to the connection fee to cover exceptional circumstances when necessary. Pearl Thorndal Stewart seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Impact fee discussion: In a prior discussion it was suggested to increase the impact fee to $6,000. It is currently $3,500. These fees are collected to prepare for additional service costs and to generate funds for water system improvements. Mayor Wright suggested that the fee is reviewed every year at budget time.
Doug Robinson made the motion to set the impact fee to $6,000 for this year. Pat Kearney seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.
Agenda Requests/Discussion
Water overage forgiveness for Lois Gehrke. The overage occurred due to a sprinkler system leak. She had the leak repaired as soon as it was discovered. Jordan Pace made a motion to approve the forgiveness and Pearl Thorndal-Stewart seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor.
Water Connection for the Pett’s house. Ron Moosman, requested a residential water connection permit. Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made the motion approving the application. Jordan Pace seconded the motion and all council members voted in favor.
Water Connection – Biggie Blondel discussed the extension of the water connections to his property. They have been waiting for the extension and are using a well in the meantime. Ensign engineering is preparing to provide the bid for an 8” line and fire protection. The Blondel’s are waiting for the bid before moving forward. The Blondel’s may be sharing the expense with the Thousand Lake RV Park. The 8” line currently stops at SkyView motel. Doug Robinson suggested that the council evaluate all options before deciding on the design of the water line placement. The motion is tabled to evaluate the engineers’ findings and discuss options.
Juniper Dr Questions – John Dillenbeck began the discussion to reduce the speed limit from 25 to 15. Since it is a private road, the town has maintenance easement but not control of the speed limit. John will talk to the neighbors and get a consensus and set speed limit.
Mayor Business
Review the Mayor’s July Report, copy included in these minutes.
The new water tank construction is making progress.
Brock Jackson and Mayor Mickey Wright are working to create the administrative process to create enforceable town ordinances.
Grants opportunities are being reviewed to find funds for Torrey roads, town hall, and a bridge at sleeping rainbow and walking paths.
Mayor Wright is working on the town IT system to streamlined process.
Six County AOG, Community Advisor program – Brock Jackson, Regional Planner
Town Business
Review the Torrey building permit process.
Eric Torgerson believes that Torrey is the only town in Wayne County to have the Planning and Zoning Commission’s approve residential building permits.
Eric believes the commission is duplicating his work as the building inspector. A discussion of the process was held.
Discussion of a Land use administrative authority position in the town. Dave suggested that P&Z not approve building permits. Just focus on planning and zoning.
Doug Robinson suggested that Dave Love and the Planning and Zoning Commission streamline the process.
This will address the residential building not commercial.
Conflict between 9-2-1 (A) and 10-4-7 (A)
- Enlargement & structural changes vs any change
Conflict between 10-4-7 (B) and 9-2-2 (B) and 10-3-3
- Approval of building permit – P&Z vs building inspector with signoff from Torrey Town
- 9-2-5 grants superiority if any conflicts to Title 9
Clerk Report – Karen Mayne
GRAMA: no requests this month.
Building permits: Two applications were submitted: Moosman (Derek and Andria Pett home) and Larrey Harper’s Storage sheds.
Financial Report Colleen Dudleston
June 2023 Financial Report Review and Discussion. Pearl Thorndal-Stewart made a motion to approve the June Financial report Pat Kearney seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
July 2023 Financial Report review and discussion. The bank reconciliation for Apple Days is in this report. Not all receipts for the event have been submitted. A discussion of auto pay was held.
A motion to approve the July financial report and pay the bills for July was made by Pat Kearney, seconded by Pearl Thorndal-Stewart. All voted in favor.
Council Reports
Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office.
Doug Robinson: Doug looked at the new water tank structure which is now formed, and it is getting closer to pouring the concrete.
Jordan Pace: Water, Roads.
Jordan expressed a concern over people putting their garbage in another’s garbage cans.
Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events.
Pearl is still wrapping up final event funding. The Post Office looks good. Pearl led a
discussion of the abuse of the donation box. The Council will discuss next month.
The Park update should be done in September.
Maintenance Report Dustin Oyler
The tank walls will be poured in the next two weeks.
The 4” water line on Main St. needs to be replaced. Will look at possible grant money to replace the line.
A discussion was held regarding water easements along Highway 24 from SkyView to Thousand Lakes RV Park. Torrey would like to finish the water line project. Also, to extend the Center St culvert on the cannel. Will discuss with Kelly for design and Brock to evaluate grants funds to use for costs.
P&Z Report – Dave Love
Subdivision ordinance is in progress. A public hearing is scheduled for the General Plan. Working on streamlining the planning and zoning process.
Old Business
Date of a work meeting for the water line project was set for August 31 at 7:00PM in the Pavilion.
Public Comment Richard Braaten has an issue with speeding on Rainbow Dr. being excessive. There is also an Issue with dogs barking. The neighborhood feels helpless. The community will submit formal complaints.
Linda Townson – Complained that on 1000 N. the gravel placed has very large rocks supposed to be state certified road base. Dustin explained the dimensions of the road base and will take a look at the road.
Motion to go into closed meeting to discuss potential litigation
Adjourn Pat Kearney made a motion to go to close session, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart seconded the motion and all agreed.