April 2023 – Torrey Town Mayor Report

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Mayor’s Report

April 2023

March & April Activities

  • Town Council work meeting o A work meeting was held Monday, March 29th to review the water master plan updates and a pre-bid meeting for contractors interested in bidding on the new water tank project.  Several companies participated in the pre-bid meeting, which was an opportunity for them to ask questions and to ensure they understood the scope of the project. 
  • Credit Card Processing o There was a problem between Torrey’s website and our credit card processor.  The Bill Pay page has been updated; however, the credit card processor is making changes to our account that should be completed this week (April 10).  Until those changes are made, we cannot process any credit cards.  Auto-pay water bills will be processed as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.
  • Grant requests status o Center Street & Sleeping Rainbow

                                        ▪    A Community Project Fund grant request was submitted to Congressman

Stewart.  Waiting for results

  • Working on a town hall grant request
    • Identifying grant opportunities for a new town hall o Senate Bill 175, passed this last legislative session, will help fund deferred road maintenance for small towns and counties
    • Watching for details about the grant process 
  • Website updates o The business page was updated with several missing businesses and links updated o If your business is not listed and you would like it on the page please call the office (435425-3600) or email karen@torreyutah.gov or torreyutah@torreyutah.gov and we will add it
    • Updating Agenda, Minutes, and Business pages
      • The updates to these pages are being tested and training everyone to know how to update the information.
    • Creating templates for our forms to allow online completion and submission
      • Several forms have been updated
      • The goal is all forms available from the website, can be completed and submitted from the website
  • Justice Court and Enforcing Town Ordinances o Currently, several Torrey Town’s ordinances have misdemeanors as possible punishment. 

This requires a Justice Court because misdemeanors may result in jail sentences.  A Justice Court setup requires many items including a judge, prosecutor, public defender, and specific courtroom requirements.  These requirements are both difficult and expensive to implement.  During discussions with the Commissioners, other mayors, and six county representatives, we determined a better solution.  If violation of town ordinances is an administrative action, then a Justice Court is not required.  An administrative process must be defined to allow enforcement of town ordinances.  At the next Commissioners and Mayors meeting Six County will have a representative from the League of Cities to instruct us how to create an administrative process for enforcing our ordinances.  This will require the ordinances that have misdemeanors listed to be rewritten to follow the administrative process, which will make them enforceable.

  • Regulating ATVs o There have been questions concerning regulating where ATVs may travel in Torrey o If an ATV is street legal, it may travel anywhere a street legal vehicle may travel o ATVs like any other vehicle must obey all traffic laws, which are enforced by the sheriff’s office
    • Further research about ATV regulations is ongoing

Ongoing Projects

  • Street signs for all streets o Emergency responders need to have street signs to find locations quickly o 480 North and Center Street needs street sign

                                        ▪     Working with county to determine who pays for the sign

Items to sort out 

  • Need to get someone to write report on Planning & Zoning for Insider o We need to have a synopsis of what goes on in the council meeting and P&Z meetings sent to the Insider.