April 13, 2023 – Torrey Town Council Minutes

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Torrey, Utah
PO Box 750027
Torrey, UT 84775


Torrey Utah

PO Box 750027

Torrey, UT 84775 torreyutah.gov

Approved Minutes

Mayor and Members of Torrey Town Council held the regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting on Thursday the 13th day of April 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Torrey Town Pavilion located at 75 E 100 N.  The agenda was as follows: 

Welcome: Mayor Mickey Wright

Administrative Business

            Welcome/ Opening Remarks


Present: Mayor Wright, Doug Robinson, Pat Kearney, Pearl Thorndal-Stewart, Jordan Pace, Dustin Oyler, Colleen Dudleston, Karen Mayne, Dave Love

           Pledge of Allegiance. Led by Mayor Wright 

Pat made a motion to add an item to the agenda. The item is a discussion of the water tank bids. Pearl seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor of the motion. 

Review & Approve Minutes of March 9th Regular Town Council Meeting.

Pat made a motion to approve the minutes of March 9, Town Council Meeting with corrections as noted. Jordan Seconded the motion and all council members voted to approve.

Review & Approve Minutes of March 6th Work Meeting

Pat made a motion to approve the minutes of March 6 work meeting with corrections as noted. Jordan Seconded the motion and all council members voted to approve.

Agenda Requests/Discussion 

Speed Limit on Sleeping Rainbow.

Richard Harrach proposes that the Sleeping Rainbow speed limit be 25 mph on the pavement and 15 mph on the unpaved road. He presented a list of resident’s signatures in favor of the request. Following discussion, the Town Council feels that it is a reasonable request. Pearl made a motion go along with the residents of Sleeping Rainbow to drop the speed limit to 15 mph on dirt roads. Jordan seconded the motion and all council members approved. Some discussion continued about slowing down traffic on Sleeping Rainbow.

Business Permit for WILD (Wilderness Individual Leadership & Development) non-profit.

Mr. Schuler presented his business plan to bring WILD to Torrey. He explained that WILD is a nonprofit organization which would bring 4 groups of 12 Teenagers from Baltimore, MD to Torrey. Trips would be 7-10 days in length and occur in the summer between June and September. The Town Council asked questions to further understand the business.

Doug requested the council table the discussion and schedule a work meeting. The work meeting was scheduled for next Thursday 20th of April 6:00 PM at the Torrey Pavilion.   

Town Council Work meeting was scheduled for April 20th. 6:00PM to discuss the business permit for WILD.

Travis Cornes, Water Application for Sky View Estates Lot 1.

Mr. Cornes stated that a water meter hookup currently exists on his property. He is requesting electric and utility hook ups. The council explained the requirement to begin building within 90 days if applying for hookups. This is not possible for Mr. Cornes. At this stage the request was denied. 

Mayor Business

The council reviewed the April Mayor’s Report. A copy is included in these minutes.

The Torrey credit card processing service has been experiencing problems. A discussion continued regarding the solution to the situation and the possibility of changing to another processing company.

Website: Mayor Wright has updated the Torrey Town website to include all Torrey business links. This update includes linking to iPhone for navigation. 

Justice Court: The need for a Justice court exists if the town ordinances are classified as misdemeanors. Discussion was held regarding changing all ordinances enforced by administrative action, not law enforcement.  

ATV complaints have been made to Torrey Town Council. Since Utah law permits all vehicles that are street legal on any roadway, there is nothing the town can do to limit the street traffic of ATV’s. The Council discussed limitations that can be enforced. 

Town Business

A review of the public hearing for water tank bid opening was discussed. Kelly Chappell presented a letter regarding the bids. The Company Harward and Reese was the lowest responsible bid.  Pat made the motion to select the Harward and Reese bid for the work to be done. Doug seconded the motion and all council members voted to approve the motion. A preconstruction meeting will be scheduled by Ensign Engineering. A discussion was held regarding the purpose and need for the water tank. 

Georgia Sullivan commented on the timing and advertising of the water hearing.  

Budget for Assistance Water Clerk. 

Colleen advised the council that Dustin was budgeted for 575 hours to hire a seasonal assistant at $12.50 per hour. A discussion was held about the need for an office assistant. Pat made a motion to hire temporary help for the office staff. Doug seconded the motion. All council members voted in favor. 

Water Speculators (Pat Kearney)

Water meters have been approved for residential building permits and in some cases the timeline for construction has not been adhered to. A discussion was held concerning the current permits that are not being acted on. A course of action to take was discussed. Mayor Wright will draft a course of action letter.

Define “Start Date” for Building Permits: Dave Love

On the Torrey building permit it states the holder has 180 days to start the building process once the permit is issued. The start date is the day the permit is issued. 

Six County of Governments has scheduled a regional conference. 

May 23, 6:00PM, Sevier County building in Richfield. Topics will include budget, finance, land use etc. Also, on May 2 there will be a land use meeting. 

Clerk Report – Karen Mayne

GRAMA – No requests were received.

Building permits, 3 applications were received and issued this past month: Pett, Eubanks, Jones

Business Licenses renewal, Karen is waiting for renewal forms and fees to be returned.

Financial Report – Colleen Dudleston 

The Council reviewed the March 2023 financial report. Pat made a motion to accept the March financial report and pay the bills. Doug seconded the motion. All council members voted to approve the motion.

The council continued the discussion of the credit card payment system problemDoug made a motion to contract with the new company Xpress Bill Pay. Jordan seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by the Town Council.

Nancy Sinclaire had a water leak from a frozen pipe. She requested the overage be forgiven. Pat made the motion to forgive the water bill overage, Jordan seconded the motion. The council voted unanimously to forgive the water overage. 

Council Reports:

Pat Kearney: Pioneer Cemetery, Cemetery, Trees & Office, 

May 16 is tree planting day in Torrey. The cemetery fencing project has begun. 

The Town Cleanup activities were detailed in the April newsletter. There will be a dumpster for metal debris at the town shop. Dumpsters for all else will be May 5 and 6. 

The Torrey Pavilion is rented all day May 6, by Pat for the volunteers. Lunch will be provided at 12:00 noon. 

Doug Robinson: Water.

Doug will meet with the State Engineer regarding the 1932 Fremont water decree to determine what it means to Torrey. 

Jordan Pace: Water, Roads

Town Council input was given to Janet, with Planning and Zoning, for the general plan development.

Jordan Discussed the Entrada bathroom addition under construction and discovered it does not meet the setback requirement. The discussion continued to find a resolution. This will be an added item for the work meeting which is scheduled for April 20, 2023 at 6:00PM. The council will discuss the options with Entrada. 

Jordan reminded the council that the speed bumps are ready to be installed now that the snow has melted.

Jordan requested that Dustin get bids for the Porta Potty units needed to be placed for Torrey’s summer use. 

Pearl Thorndal-Stewart: Park, Pavilion, Post Office, & Town Events

Mayor Wright expressed Thanks to Pearl for all her work on the CDBG grant, and the fun Easter party. Pearl was pleased with the Easter egg hunt. The children had a lot of fun. 

The Apple Days committee met on Tuesday night. They need lots of volunteers!!! The committee will approach businesses to sponsor events.

Pearl expressed thanks to Diane Barrett – for taking care of the donation box. Diane said she is ready to be replaced.

Torrey Park: Pearl is still working on the CDBG grant requirements and then will hold a contractors meeting. 

Maintenance Report Dustin Oyler

Water Leak update, near Rim Rock. To repair the leak, it is necessary to bore under highway 24. Dustin hopes the process will be completed by Friday. It will take a day or two to bore through the rocks. Meanwhile the leak is still active. The Council discussed possible events that led up to the pipe breaking. It will cost Torrey $66,220 to repair the pipe.

P&Z Report – Dave Love 

Dave expressed thanks to Mayor Wright for researching the requirements for High Tunnels. 

Planning and Zoning received 3 Building permit applications last month.

Planning and Zoning has been working on a subdivision ordinance. They received a Wayne County subdivision ordinance to use as an example. 

Tyler Timmons with Six-County is coming to the next Planning & Zoning meeting. The Town Council input for the general plan update will be given to Tyler Timmons. A brief discussion continued about the general plan meeting. 

Old Business


Public Comment

Janet Hansen asked about the new doggie refuse station in the park. A brief discussion followed. 


Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jordan seconded the motion and all council members voted to approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 PM.